GUI Frameworks in Python?

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at
Wed Apr 7 01:11:58 EDT 2004

>> The basic idea is fairly similar in both, but event handlers
>> ("signal handlers" in Gtk terminology) seem more straightforward
>> to set up in PyGtk. In wxPython, for example, you have to get the
>> ID number of the widget and pass that to an event-binding function;
>> in PyGtk, you just pass the widget itself.
>> That's just one example of how the PyGtk API is simpler. It might
>> not sound like much, but lots of little things like that add up
>> to make me like PyGtk much better.
> I know, I can't believe wxPython doesn't use a simpler API for things 
> like event binding rather than just sticking to the C++ api so closely. 
>  That's why people are creating their own wrappers to wxPython now. It's 
> ridiculous.  And yes, I know event binding was made slightly simpler for 
> 2.5.  2.5 also takes some steps backwards, in the name of being more 
> like the C++ api.

Simpler?  According to Greg, passing ids of the widget was a 
pain...well, in 2.5 you can pass the widget.  Apparently that is 
significant enough to warrant Greg complaining about it, and Robin Dunn 
to fix it.

What parts of the 2.4 to 2.5 conversion are steps backward?

  - Josiah

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