wxpython + py2exe + innosetup

simo simoninusa2001 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Apr 28 00:30:56 EDT 2004

"Simon Dahlbacka" <sdahlbacSPAMSUX at abo.fi> wrote:

> I'm "exefying" an application that uses wxpython, some com to control excel
> and word and want to distribute this application.
> after creating the executable with py2exe, it still works fine (at least on
> my development machine), however, if I create an installer package with
> innosetup, install it and try to run it, I get a busy cursor for a split
> second and then.. nothing. no errors no traceback no nothing.. viewing
> dependencies does not reveal anything strange, and running the installed
> program in a debugger just tells that the application has exited with code
> 0.

Does the program rely on any paths to files - i.e. does it open your
Excel/Word file from the current directory?

This is the only problem I've ever found with Inno - it's an FAQ too,
there's an option to set the "Run From" property in the shortcuts. The
sympton is that it won't work from the shortcut in Start/Desktop but
will work from the program directory.

What about permissions - if you installed it as non-Admin and it needs
to write something Admin-only.....

ISTool can make the InnoSetup options a bit easier to deal with -
maybe you're accepting a default that needs to be changed?

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