wxpython + py2exe + innosetup

Simon Dahlbacka sdahlbacSPAMSUX at abo.fi
Tue Apr 27 17:00:47 EDT 2004

I'm "exefying" an application that uses wxpython, some com to control excel
and word and want to distribute this application.

after creating the executable with py2exe, it still works fine (at least on
my development machine), however, if I create an installer package with
innosetup, install it and try to run it, I get a busy cursor for a split
second and then.. nothing. no errors no traceback no nothing.. viewing
dependencies does not reveal anything strange, and running the installed
program in a debugger just tells that the application has exited with code

..where do I go from here, I'm running out of ideas.. ?


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