Tkinter vs. wxPython?

Andrei project5 at
Tue Apr 27 14:37:34 EDT 2004

SeeBelow at SeeBelow.Nut wrote on Tue, 27 Apr 2004 17:52:09 GMT:

> Do many people think that wxPython should replace Tkinter?  Is this
> likely to happen?

>From my POV it would be a good idea since I don't use Tkinter/Tkinter apps
but I do use wxPython. However, I don't think it will happen because things
out of the standard distro don't get phased out that easily; programs count
on Tkinter being there. Plus Idle would have to be removed as well, which
is not very likely to happen since it's the standard Python IDE :).

> I ask because I have just started learning Tkinter, and I wonder if I
> should abandon it in favor of wxPython.  

If you like Tkinter, use it. If you like wxPython, use that - neither of
them shows any signs of going away in the near or not so near future. BTW,
there are several nice GUI builders for wxPython available which might be
of assistance in using wxPython. Personally I prefer wxPython and I avoid
Tk-based apps whenever I have an alternative, which is basically always :).



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