CamelCase versus wide_names (Prothon)

Paramjit Oberoi p_s_oberoi at
Thu Apr 15 21:04:04 EDT 2004

> 1) CamelCase is more elegant, modern, more readable, and more efficient in
> character usage.
> 2) Wide_names is cleaner, more readable, compatible with C, which is the
> standard module language for Python and Prothon.  Wide_names is also the
> Python standard.

wide_names please.  I have tried both and this is what I think:

* wide_names is clearer & easier to read.
    - particularly with one and two letter words
    - ideally I would like to be able to use hyphens
      like-this, but that unfortunately clashes with
      subtraction (this is the only positive thing I
      remember about COBOL: variables with hyphens)

* wide_names is easier to type.
    - camelCase requires the set [a-zA-Z], wide_names
      only requires [a-z_].  *MY* fingers find it easier
      to get used to one shift-key combination rather
      than 26.  I propose that the underscore key be added
      to all keyboards to make things even easier (I should
      remap my windows key...).

* the real problem is the absence of a character for
  indicating non-breaking spaces---that's why we have
  to use all these damn_WorkArounds.

* I am of the opinion that identifiers/filenames/reserved words
  should be case insensitive.  Or alternatively, case should be
  enforced but no two should be allowed to differ only in their
  case.  Pascal got this right...


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