select on windows: must import socket first?

Irmen de Jong irmen at
Thu May 29 17:53:19 EDT 2003

Grant Edwards wrote:
> Under Windows, select can't be used for anything except
> sockets, so there's really no use for importing select w/o
> importing socket.  I suppose you could put a call in the select
> module to start up winsock if it hasn't already been done, but
> what's the point?

There's no point, indeed.
But I was just wondering if this is a conscious omission of the init call, or 
that somebody forgot something ;-)

> I'm guessing that the select call is probably actually part of
> winsock and not really part of Win32...

You're probably right.
But couldn't it be implemented using WaitForMultipleObjects() ?
Never mind. Don't want to mess with that.


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