How does Python compare with RealBasic?

Andrew Dalke adalke at
Fri Mar 7 02:14:03 EST 2003

Markus Winter:
> I've just started programming in RealBasic and now came across Python
> (mainly because a molecular visualisation app I'm interested in is using
> Python as it's script language).

Hmmm...  That would likely be PyMol, Pmv, Vida, VMD, or Chimera.
I think those are the most widely known visualization programs using Python.
Compared to none in RB (or Perl. ;)

I haven't heard of anyone using RealBasic for any sequence analysis
work.  There are some which use VisualBasic, and I recall helping a friend
implement Chou & Fasman in it years ago (or perhaps in QuickBasic?)
but I don't know of any project which uses Basic for large-scale or even
medium-scale bioinformatics projects.

As others have pointed out, there is the Biopython project at
Sadly for me, bioinformatics is dominated by Perl.  Luckily, chemistry and
structure aren't.

                    dalke at

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