IDE for developing cross-platform GUI Windows/Linux/Mac apps

Robin Dunn robin at
Wed Jan 23 16:03:02 EST 2002

> This post refers only to Mac OS X, which has a BSD kernel and so is
> a different beast than the "Classic" Mac OS (OS 9 and earlier).  It
> is presumably harder to get wxPython to work with the current
> Classic OS.

There was a build of wxPython last week for MacOS Carbon that is currently
in better working order than the OS X track that I have been working
(blindly, stumbling) on.  You can see some info about it here:

> Those of us using Python under Mac OS 9 have heard "real soon now"
> about wxPython for *so long* that hearing it again makes us feel
> worse rather than better.

How about "real sooner now"? <wink>

> If I knew anything about GUI development
> in C on the Mac I'd dive in and help, truly (I've been helping with
> other Mac Python issues).  But it's because I *don't* know anything
> about it that I want to use a Python framework.

One thing you can do is to join the wxPython-Mac mail list and urge people
to move forward, test their alpha builds, provide other feedback, etc.
There is only one Mac expert doing anything to help out so far and he is a
Python newbie...  (for me it is definitly a case of "old dog, new tricks"
problems but I am starting to grasp the new environment finally)  So any
additional Mac people can certainly help things out.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin at       Java give you jitters?      Relax with wxPython!

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