IDE for developing cross-platform GUI Windows/Linux/Mac apps

Tom Loredo loredo at
Tue Jan 22 18:40:30 EST 2002

Kevin Altis wrote:
> wxWindows is working on the Mac and based on the following
> post I'm hoping we are really in Real Soon Now territory for wxPython Mac
> (Python wrapper of wxWindows for the Mac)

This post refers only to Mac OS X, which has a BSD kernel and so is
a different beast than the "Classic" Mac OS (OS 9 and earlier).  It
is presumably harder to get wxPython to work with the current
Classic OS.

Those of us using Python under Mac OS 9 have heard "real soon now"
about wxPython for *so long* that hearing it again makes us feel
worse rather than better.  If I knew anything about GUI development
in C on the Mac I'd dive in and help, truly (I've been helping with
other Mac Python issues).  But it's because I *don't* know anything
about it that I want to use a Python framework.  Tkinter is clunky
in operation and appearance, and wxPython does not appear to be
imminent.  It's a bummer!

Let us know if you learn more about Qt in this regard.

-Tom Loredo

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