1st install on Linux (RH 7.0) I hit a snaggg !!!

John Hasler john at dhh.gt.org
Wed Feb 21 00:00:05 EST 2001

bowman writes:
> unless you have some dependencies, you might remove the 8.3 rpms and
> install 8.0.

Why do you think he needs to remove 8.3?  tcl8.0, tcl8.2, and tcl8.3 all
co-exist peacefully on my Debian system.

> rpm's are fine things, but they imply your machine has all the bits and
> pieces that the build machine had, which is not always the case.

That's what dependencies are for (and you can have multiple versions of a
given library installed at the same time).
John Hasler
john at dhh.gt.org (John Hasler)
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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