Using COM and .pyc

Mark Hammond MarkH at
Sun Dec 2 19:31:24 EST 2001

Bear B wrote:

> I have problems doing some changes in a .py - file that contains source to
> two com-classes under python-win. Do I have to register this com-classes
> after every time I have saved my changes, or is it just necessary to
> register it once? Is it not true, that my old .pyc - file should be replaced
> whith a new .pyc - file after my changes have been made?
> I have tried SO MANY ways to make things work, but all a get is exceptions
> and errors. Can someone please give me some advises how to make this work?!

I am guessing that the consumer of the program is still running and 
uding the old object.  After changing the Python code, you must ensure 
that any programs using this Python code are also restarted.


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