age of new pythonistas [was: The Editor Poll results are in!]

maxm maxm at
Fri Dec 21 13:22:48 EST 2001

Pushing towards 37 here. And I LOVE writing in Python.

Previous languages are:

    A nice simple language wich had a good dos enviroment. Really snappy.

Cobol (a little)
    Just to try it out.

    Bought a damn expensive comiler as a student,
    but there was no good documentation, so that was a drag.

    The almost language in Director

    Just got my toes wet on the Amiga/PC

    Years of writing dynamic websites.

    A few more years of writing websites. Definitely more pleasureable
    than VBScript which is horrid.

    Way to much code for way to little work.
    The libraries kept changing to fast.
    Bothersome and slow compile cycle.

    well I fell for the hype, fell in love with regular espressions.
    and in disgust with the syntax for lists and dicts.

    Love it every second. Every day spend writing Python is a fun day.
    And I hardly use reg-ex's any more :-)
    No messing arround with the language, just writing code, trying out
    and refactoring all the time because its so easy.

I will try to get more up to speed in c, so that I can extend Python better.
I havn't really made my mind up about c++. Most people seem to find it to
hard to learn, and I also belive more in the Python/c combo as the way to

But one of my interrests is algorithmic composition, and Python definitely
has a lack of good media libraries. Well they will get her sooner or later,
or I will write them myself. But for my bread and butter webstuff Python is
far the best choice on any platform.

Python is clean simple and elegant. So unless a better language shows up, my
answer in 30 years will probably be ...

"Pushing towards 67 here. And I LOVE ..."

regards Max M

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