Python-2.2a1.exe: "Can't run 16-bit Windows program"

Tim Peters at
Fri Aug 10 16:31:41 EDT 2001

[John Schmitt]
> I am an admin on this machine.

If you're an Admin but don't know why your box can't run a 16-bit program,
you probably shouldn't be an Admin <wink>.  This shouldn't be happening in
"a normal" Win2K setup.

> ...
> Is there a way of switching back and forth between 2.1 and 2.2?

Sorry, I don't know what you're asking.  If you install them into different
directories, what else do you think *might* be needed?  Because they're
different major.minor releases, they don't even use the same DLL name (2.1
uses python21.dll, and 2.2 python22.dll -- no conflict there).

> Does that involve running the unisntaller and then running the installer
> for the other one?

I don't know why it would, but I suppose it could depend on exact details of
how you're using Python.

> Maybe I can just re-run the ActiveState installer when I want to revert to
> 2.1 and then re-run the 2.2* installer when I want to try 2.2 again, eh?

I doubt you need to endure that much pain ... but I don't know all the
details.  I routinely run 5 different versions of Python simultaneously on a
single Windows box, but I'm not using any of the Win32 extensions from
ActiveState, and I make no use of the file-extension registrations.  So if
it comes down to a conflict in that stuff, I'm afraid I can't help you (but
ActiveState should be able to).

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