vim mode in interactive python

Donn Cave donn at
Fri Apr 20 00:52:26 EDT 2001

Quoth Timothy Grant <tjg at>:
| For some reason, I had never thought about the possibility of
| making interactive python use vim key bindings, but as I was
| reading the docs for the new release I read about setting vim
| keybindings by putting the following line in .inputrc
| set editing-mode vi
| I have done so, but I don't get vim bindings. What might I be
| doing wrong?

You might be trying to use a python install that lacks a readline
module.  Try "import readline" - if that works, I'm wrong.

I bet that's it, though.  I'm starting to think about a Python 2.1
binary release, for my favorite platform, and while I have built
readline I'm unlikely to include it in the release.  Previous
binary releases were built by someone else, and I believe he
found that including readline earned him a big hassle from one
or more GNU zealots.  The module is nice but not necessary in
my opinion, and I don't need the trouble.

	Donn Cave, donn at

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