Java vs Python

Martijn Faassen m.faassen at
Thu May 18 18:03:54 EDT 2000

Glyph Lefkowitz <glyph at> wrote:

> Marketability?  Hm.  The thing that makes Java marketable is the
> tremendous amount of money that Sun has poured into getting it into
> every trade rag that they could possibly find.  Fellow pythonistas,
> short of getting Guido to use the time machine for material gain
> <wink> is there any way we can effectively market Python as a
> competitor to a language / platform with that kind of agressive force
> behind it?

I think it's just a question of time now. We can basically just proceed
as we're all doing. We've reached the treshhold now; there's no
turning back, even if we tried. Python's going to grow very
quickly now.

> My conclusion is obviously that Python needs more marketing ;-)
> hopefully it can have this without becoming evil.  Is the PSA doing
> anything on this front?

I don't think the PSA is doing much. Should it?

There's this tiny project of Guido's on getting Python into the
schools. :) 

There are quite a few companies that use Python.

There's the whole Zope community.

There is this bookshelf with Python books at the bookstore that keeps growing
and growing.

There are several big names in open source that mention they want
to use Python more in public.

The Java folks are starting to notice Python.

A multiplicity of articles on the web, magazine articles, and so on.

The only place Python isn't known very well is the Netherlands. At least
I feel this when I  look at the state of nl.comp.programmeren, the Dutch
programming newsgroup. (i.e. "how do I change the color of a button
in VB??????!!") :)

So, all we have to do is wait.

History of the 20th Century: WW1, WW2, WW3?
No, WWW -- Could we be going in the right direction?

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