Java vs Python

Cees de Groot cg at
Fri May 26 13:45:11 EDT 2000

Martijn Faassen <m.faassen at> said:
>The only place Python isn't known very well is the Netherlands. At least
>I feel this when I  look at the state of nl.comp.programmeren, the Dutch
>programming newsgroup. (i.e. "how do I change the color of a button
>in VB??????!!") :)
With schools giving credits for doing your MCSE, the state of programming
in this country is indeed very bad. Luckily, Sun has come up with the
idea of doing a real developer conference (a novum for the Netherlands),
which was sort of fun to do ( We could present
a bunch of Python talks next year - the conference is totally marketing
and M$ free, but for the rest most everything goes. 

Cees de Groot          <cg at>
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