python's acceptance

Scott Hathaway slhath at
Thu May 4 08:23:49 EDT 2000

This post is meant to generate thoughtful discussion, not burn me to a
crisp, so here it goes.

I am a Windows programmer who uses mostly VB (I know how bad it is...I use
it all the time).  I love the language syntax of python!  It is clean, easy,
and extremely powerful.  Yet, I have two items that I believe keep Python
from growing with Windows users:

1.  In making this transition, I have had trouble because I am not used to
trying to layout gui's with pure code.  If python could get a gui builder
(like vb or delphi) that was mainstream and used native controls on each
platform, it could easily give VB or Delphi a run for their money.  I have
recently looked at Boa Constructor that lays out wxPython code and lets you
build a gui!  This is awesome.  I have not used the PythonWorks program, but
I will try it once it is out.

2.  It is nearly impossible for a newbie like me to build an .exe on the
Windows platform with Python.  I have tried three different methods with a
simple wxPython program (freeze, standalone, and installer).  I cannot get
any of them to work.  It appears that I need to tell them what files I need
to distribute, but I do not know that info.  Python needs an installer that
can scan the code and automatically add the appropriate files for people who
are idiots like me.

Once these two things are done, I could easily scrap VB and use Python
exclusively.  Has anyone else experienced these frustrations?  What can be
done to solve them?  (I also realize that perhaps they have been solved and
I just don't know where to look).

Please comment.


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