Case sensitivity/insensitivity

Mikael Olofsson mikael at
Tue May 23 02:30:22 EDT 2000

On 22-May-00 Bjorn Pettersen wrote:
 >  But all those English keywords must be very confusing to people who do
 >  not speak the language... I suggest we implement a global dictionary
 >  that maps the language specific keyword names (or phrases, not all words
 >  have a one-to-one mapping) to their canonical form...  Just think, I
 >  could spell the common pydiom (I'm assuming this was perfectly clear to
 >  the Alice people ;-):
 >    while 1:
 >      line = f.readline()
 >      if not line:
 >        break
 >      ...
 >  as (with the Norwegian mapping...):
 >    så lenge som 1:
 >      linje = f.lesLinje()
 >      hvis ikke linje:
 >        brekk
 >      ...
 >  hey, it's much easier for every Norwegian speaking person (and I'm sure
 >  the f-bot can read it too ;-)

This is really in the spirit of CP4E. If E is to mean everybody, that 
should include kids, grown-ups, aswell as pensioners, in all countries. 
That more or less makes such dialects necessary. 

I shall not argue about how to implement such beasts, since that is
beyond my competence.

In (my) Swedish dialect:

medan 1:
    rad = f.läsRad()
    om inte rad:


E-Mail:  Mikael Olofsson <mikael at>
Phone:   +46 - (0)13 - 28 1343
Telefax: +46 - (0)13 - 28 1339
Date:    23-May-00
Time:    08:07:14

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