Python and the PIL...

Anders Eriksson ame at
Thu Jun 15 12:43:42 EDT 2000

On Thu, 15 Jun 2000 13:48:08 +0100, "Tobe" <tbradshaw at>

>I have some code that relies on the Python Imaging Library which I'm trying
>to use on my NT box but I'm finding a few probs.. namely Image.thumbnail(())
>produces garbage..
It has probably with the binary/text mode thing that NT has. If you
don't say anything then you have a text file and then all <lf>
magically will change to <cr><lf>

So you need to remind Python that you're working with binary files.

f = open("binfile.jpg","wb")

if-your-using-StringIO-then-I-don't-know-ly y'rs

// Anders

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