Mingw32 modules (was: "win32: cygwin modules")

Robert Kern kern at its.caltech.edu
Thu Oct 21 05:12:54 EDT 1999

[posted and e-mailed to Jody Klymak]

My apologies for not replying to the original message.

[delete miscellaneous ramblings about USENET propagation and getting used
to UNIX newsreaders]

Simply put, don't bother with CygWin.  It does have a few problems working
with Python.  Mingw32 works perfectly AFAICT.  See my page <URL:
http://starship.python.net/crew/kernr/mingw32/Notes.html > for detailed

CygWin works for the most part, but the mixing of the runtimes between the
interpreter and the extension does cause a few problems though none that
actually crashes anything (that I've found).

I hope that mingw32 works for you.  It may not if compface.c needs the
UNIX layer.

To the Python Gods:

Has this been asked often enough to make it a FAQ?

Robert Kern
kern at caltech.edu

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
  -- Richard Harter

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