Python books

Jules Allen usenet-mm-yyyy at
Wed Nov 24 10:34:45 EST 1999

| well, the eff-bot guide is definitely an annotated script
| collection, but I think Hans was referring to Martin Brown's
| upcoming pMatter book; [snip]

I really enjoyed Martin's Perl book and I'm looking forward to this
one. He's got an easy to read style, not unlike Daryl H/Ken McD's
Quick Python Book. Amazon claimed they shipped me a PyAnnotated
last week but I've yet to see it.

Personally I think the Quick Python book is one of the better
technical books I've ever read. The last books to have that much
impact on my so-called-career is Cooper's semi technical "Inmates
are Running the Asylum" (which should be required reading before
a programmer is given a keyboard) and Alan Simpson's "dBase III
Programmers' Reference Manual"! And I buy a *lot* of books. :-)

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