[PSA MEMBERS] Using (physical) units and quantities

Cameron Laird claird at Starbase.NeoSoft.COM
Thu Jul 8 09:39:12 EDT 1999

In article <3784268C.340CAD46 at callware.com>,
Ivan Van Laningham  <ivanlan at callware.com> wrote:
>> NT has a POSIX (har har) subsystem which will give you case
>> sensitivity. But none of the tools work, so you're dead in the water.
>Oh, I didn't know that.  So, how does anyone know it exists?  Rumour? 
>It's documented but not implemented?  You mean people actually *read*
>MSDN docs????
1.  There are *two* POSIX subsystems.  There's one
    Microsoft did with its first releases of NT.
    It somehow passes requirements, so that MS is
    eligible for certain US government contracts
    (or equivalents), but no one uses it.  NO one.
    Seriously.  Now that I think of it, I'm not
    even sure it is compliant; it could well be
    just that MS *says* it is.  It's a non-issue,
    because you have in effect to disable NT to get
    at the POSIXness.

    I'll decline this morning to give a URL for this
2.  Softway Systems <URL:http://www.interix.com> (also
    is a mostly independent corporation that sells a
    very nice Unix (now called Interix, originally
    OpenNT) operating under NT.  This is good stuff,
    technically.  Microsoft's relation to Interix is
    far too byzantine for me to explain today.
3.  Many people *pay* to read MS documents.  Smart
    people, well familiar with Unix, whom I respect,
    do so, and then enthusiastically describe the
    experience to me.  While the phenomenon continues
    to puzzle me, I can report multiple instances.
    I'm not much opposed to any of this in principle,
    but, when I've tried, the experience hasn't been
    happy.  All the documents I've needed have been
4.  Ivan, I haven't yet solved the mystery of why
    e-mail from you doesn't reach me.  Let's try some
    experiments.  Please send test messages to
      <claird at neosoft.com>
      <cameron at lairds.com>
      <claird at www.guardtower.net>
      <claird at place.net>
      <test4 at oneplace.com>.

Cameron Laird           http://starbase.neosoft.com/~claird/home.html
claird at NeoSoft.com      +1 281 996 8546 FAX

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