[PSA MEMBERS] Using (physical) units and quantities

Ivan Van Laningham ivanlan at callware.com
Thu Jul 8 00:18:20 EDT 1999

Hi All--

Gordon "The Great and Terrible" McMillan wrote:
> Alexander V. Voinov wrote:
> > Please explain me this statement: Are there any versions of Windows
> > with case-censitive filesystems? FAT32? Is it possible to switch
> > this on and off for the existing versions: NT 4.0, 95, 98?
> NTFS (and, I think, FAT 32) are case preserving but case insensitive.

Of sorts.  Bill will capitalize filenames and directory names at seeming
random.  If you put capitals in the middle of names, they'll be
preserved.  Mostly.  Running Bill95 on FAT16 makes it act like
FAT32/NTFS, i.e., if you insist enough times you can get the case
preserved.  Sometimes you can keep the case intact when you transfer to
Unix and back.  Sometimes you can't.

> FAT 16 doesn't even preserve case. Command.com (16 bit) trashes case
> (and long file names), while Cmd.exe (32 bit) doesn't.

OS/2 (and I suspect) OS/3 (HPFS) act like FAT32 etc, but a lot more
consistently.  If anyone could stand to run OS/3, we could find out.

> NT has a POSIX (har har) subsystem which will give you case
> sensitivity. But none of the tools work, so you're dead in the water.

Oh, I didn't know that.  So, how does anyone know it exists?  Rumour? 
It's documented but not implemented?  You mean people actually *read*
MSDN docs????

<not-worth-the-bits-they're-printed-on>-ly y'rs,
Ivan Van Laningham
Callware Technologies, Inc.
ivanlan at callware.com
ivanlan at home.com
See also: 
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70

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