XML-RPC and firewall [solution]

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Tue Jul 6 09:30:16 EDT 1999

Jeffrey Kunce wrote:
> I have been playing with XML-RPC on my intranet, but
> found that Fredrik's xmlrpclib.py wouldn't talk to external 
> servers through our firewall.
> Since urllib has proxy-server support built-in, I wrote a 
> urllib-based transport plugin for xmlrpclib.py (attached).
> Now I can speak XML-RPC with the rest of the world :-)

cool !

(I suppose I don't have to mention that I factored out the
Transport stuff just to make it easier to do things like this...)


just one question: does this generate the right content-type?
(the spec says text/xml; cannot find any code in your module
or urllib.py that deals with this).  but I might be missing some-
thing here.  anyway, my sample server doesn't really care about
this, but other servers might...


> If it checks out, maybe /F will include it in the distribution.

sure will !


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