XML-RPC and firewall [solution]

Jeffrey Kunce kuncej at mail.conservation.state.mo.us
Tue Jul 6 11:20:07 EDT 1999

>> ...I wrote a  urllib-based transport plugin for xmlrpclib.py...

>(I suppose I don't have to mention that I factored out the
>Transport stuff just to make it easier to do things like this...)

Yes! Thanks for the excellent foresight. Glad to make use of it.

>just one question: does this generate the right content-type?
>(the spec says text/xml ...

Darn! It looks like it's sending application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
The code is buried in the massive open_http() method of the 
urllib.URLopener class. I don't see any easy solution. I guess one
could subclass FancyURLopener and reimplement open_http()
with one line changed...

It bad content-type han't caused me any problems yet, though.


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