XML-RPC and firewall [solution]

Jeffrey Kunce Jeffrey.Kunce at p98.f112.n480.z2.fidonet.org
Fri Jul 2 18:08:19 EDT 1999

From: "Jeffrey Kunce" <kuncej at mail.conservation.state.mo.us>

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I have been playing with XML-RPC on my intranet, but
found that Fredrik's xmlrpclib.py wouldn't talk to external=20
servers through our firewall.

Since urllib has proxy-server support built-in, I wrote a=20
urllib-based transport plugin for xmlrpclib.py (attached).
Now I can speak XML-RPC with the rest of the world :-)

Testing on this has been minimal - use at your own risk.
If it checks out, maybe /F will include it in the distribution.


Content-Type: text/plain
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Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="xmlrpc_urllib_transport.py"

urllib-based transport plugin for xmlrpclib.py (with test code)
jjk  07/02/99  001  from xmlrpc_test_urllib.py 002

urllib transport was needed to get past proxy server

for xmlrpclib __version__ =3D "0.9.8"


import xmlrpclib

class UrllibTransport(xmlrpclib.Transport):
	'''Handles an HTTP transaction to an XML-RPC server via urllib
	(urllib includes proxy-server support)
	jjk  07/02/99'''

	def request(self, host, handler, request_body):
		'''issue XML-RPC request
		jjk  07/02/99'''
		import urllib
		urlopener =3D urllib.FancyURLopener()
		urlopener.addheaders =3D [('User-agent', self.user_agent)]
		# probably should use appropriate 'join' methods instead =
of 'http://'+host+handler
		f =3D urlopener.open('http://'+host+handler, request_body)

def test():
	'''test UrllibTransport for xmlrpclib
	Use proxy for external address, no proxy for local address
	jjk  07/02/99'''
	import os
	print 'testing xmlrpc_urllib_transport.py'
	raw_input('start xmlrpcserver.py (test mode) on local machine, =
then press enter')
	testhosts =3D [
		(0, "http://localhost:8000"),	   # don't use proxy, =
local host
		#(0, "http://mdcmap.mocons.gov:8000"),   # don't use =
proxy, another host on local network
		(1, "http://betty.userland.com"),	#use proxy, =
userland's XML-RPC server
	try: proxies =3D os.environ['http_proxy']
	except KeyError: proxies =3D None
	for useproxy, host in testhosts:
		print 'testing host:', host
		if (useproxy):=20
			if (proxies):
				os.environ['HTTP_PROXY'] =3D proxies
			try: del os.environ['HTTP_PROXY']
			except KeyError: pass
		server =3D xmlrpclib.Server(host, transport=3DUrllibTranspo=
		print server
		try: print server.examples.getStateName(41)
		except xmlrpclib.Error, v: print "ERROR", v
if (__name__=3D=3D'__main__'):
	import pdb


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