[Python-Dev] setuptools in the stdlib

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Wed Apr 19 08:27:06 CEST 2006

At 08:11 AM 4/19/2006 +0200, Giovanni Bajo wrote:
>Then, about new commands. Why should I need to do "import distutils2" to do,
>eg, "setup.py develop"? This doesn't break backward compatibility.

The develop command uses the egg_info command.  egg_info uses the 
setuptools enhanced MANIFEST scheme.  Both make use of extended setup() 
arguments, and the entry points feature that allows distutils plugins to 
co-operate.  Develop also uses easy_install...  and so on.

I'm not saying it would be impossible to merge this stuff into the 
distutils, just that it's not a trivial undertaking.

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