[Python-Dev] Re: Decimal data type issues

Batista, Facundo FBatista at uniFON.com.ar
Tue Apr 20 11:23:05 EDT 2004

[Kevin Jacobs]

#- Thus, I would
#- like to create decimal instances that conform to those 
#- schema -- i.e., they
#- would be rounded appropriately and overflow errors generated if they
#- exceeded either the maximum precision or scale.  e.g.:
#-   Decimal('20000.001', precision=4, scale=0) === Decimal('20000')
#-   Decimal('20000.001', precision=4, scale=0) raises an 
#- overflow exception
#-   Decimal('20000.001', precision=5, scale=3) raises an 
#- overflow exception
#-   Decimal('200.001', precision=6, scale=3) === Decimal('200.001')
#-   Decimal('200.000', precision=6, scale=3) === Decimal('200') or 
#- Decimal('200.000')
#-      (depending on if precision and scale are interpreted as 
#- absolutes or
#-       maximums)
#- In order to be able to accomplish this behavior in an 
#- "external" library,
#- either the literals would have to be pre-parsed and manipulated, OR
#- an intermediate Decimal value would be created using the raw literal,
#- which would then used to detect overflows and then apply the
#- necessary rounding criteria based on the desired (maximum) scale.

I think that is better to include this functionality outside Decimal, by
using it or inheritating it (the same way I'll include all money specific
uses in other class).  Remember that Decimal is a module to implement the
Arithmetic behaviour of decimal floating point.

All other specific use cases should be outside it.

#- Hopefully this is somewhat clearer.

Very, thank you.

#- Neither.  It is well understood that operations on Decimal instances 
#- must rely on the
#- context.  The idea here is to overflow and round correctly 
#- upon instance 
#- creation without
#- going through a great deal of additional effort.

Don't know how much effort it will be. But I prefer that before bloating

In the PEP I said:  "It is not the purpose of this PEP to have a data type
that can be used as Money without further effort". This is applicable to
other specific uses.

.	Facundo

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Muchas Gracias.
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