[PYTHON-CRYPTO] Missing get0_signers in 0.17 and "header too long:asn1_lib.c" with 0.13 or 0.17 with p7m file

Heikki Toivonen heikki at OSAFOUNDATION.ORG
Mon Jan 22 21:46:24 CET 2007

Marco Bizzarri wrote:
> I'm sorry to post again on this topic. Reading from the changelog in
> 0.17 I understand get0_signer has been removed since its implementation
> was wrong. Is there any plan to re-add it soon? Otherwise, could someone
> provide hints on how it should be reimplemented in order to obtain a
> proper behaviour and not crashing python anymore?

I did some experimenting and here is how it's looking currently:

I can make the code work by not freeing the returned X509 stack.
However, this almost certainly makes the code leak memory.

The problem with the free seems to be that we should be freeing the
stack, but not the entries in the stack. Unfortunately the freeing
function frees both. Maybe there is another version that only frees the

I haven't checked everything yet, but I can't spend more time on this at
the moment.

  Heikki Toivonen

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