[PyConUK-adm-priv] Cardiff Conference Wireless

Craig Barnes craig at thebarneses.uk
Wed Jun 22 17:23:31 EDT 2016

Hi Peter,

I forwarded your questions on today and gotten feedback,  seems I was
missing the quote sheet previously.


His responses to your questions are below.

I expect this will likely be cost prohibitive.




I can’t see you needing more bandwidth than that, £3k will bring you in
4 dishes. at 16Mb down and 4Mb up per dish.  We can’t bond them but we
can balance the traffic over them so that should be fine.

Note:  The £3k is for the connectivity the second part of the quote for
£10 was to deliver everything else such as engineering, routers, AP’s,
switches and cabling.

We have had no discussion with venue at the stage

The dishes would only sited after a survey so it would be known that
they will work before hand.

We can reduce the number of dishes and that would reduce the speed
available and of course have a negative impact on the user experience.
Its very difficult to provide a figure for bandwidth for an event as
there is no previous bench mark to work off.  So we should make sure
that expectations are set before we agree a final number of dishes.

Our event support engineer conducts live traffic shaping on-site to
ensure that nobody is hogging the bandwidth for non event related
activities such as iTunes or peer to peer activity.

The sooner we receive the order the sooner we can proceed with the site
survey for dishes but Id suggest you talk to the venue first to check
they will allow us on the roof

Richard Hughes
Richard at maxwifi.co.uk

On 08/06/16 09:07, Peter Inglesby wrote:
> Hi Craig,
> Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, and thanks for the nudge!
>  (If anybody else is waiting on a reply from me, please give me a kick.)
> Having decent wifi at the conference feels like it's of pretty high
> priority, and I'd like us to find a way of paying for it. 
> Unfortunately, it wasn't in the original budget, and while we have some
> contingency (and some reserves), we need to be sure that if we spend the
> money, it's a good investment.
> A handful of questions
>   * Is the £3k an upper limit on what this would cost, or is that just
>     for dishes on the roof?
>   * Have we talked to City Hall about putting some dishes on their
>     roof?  Are they happy with the idea?
>   * What would happen if we put some dishes on the roof, but it turned
>     out they didn't work for some reason?  Would we lose the money?
>   * Could we get less good provision (but still better than what's
>     currently there) for less money?  That is, would two dishes be good
>     enough?
>   * Would maxwifi be able to help with things like traffic shaping?
>   * When would maxwifi need us to confirm our order?
> Thanks,
> Peter.
> On 19 May 2016 at 23:30, Craig Barnes <craig at thebarneses.uk
> <mailto:craig at thebarneses.uk>> wrote:
>     Richard at maxwifi has gotten back to me, with the following comments.
>     '''
>     I have been doing some digging with regard to internet connectivity and
>     it does appear that its going to be problematic.
>     The Broadband service is very poor and there are no point to point
>     solutions that we can rely on.  That means we have to use satellite or
>     4G or even a mix of both.
>     To that end we need access to the roof probably or a suitable site to
>     mount some dishes facing facing south.
>     You are looking at around £750 per dish for connectivity and about the
>     same price for  4 sim 4g router.
>     So I would assume you should allow £3k for connectivity top of the
>     quote.
>     Perhaps you can let know how that sits with you.
>     '''
>     At this point I have no indication of what is in the pot for this, so
>     any guidance would be appreciated.
>     Regards
>     Craig
>     On 18/05/16 23:32, Craig Barnes wrote:
>     >>         >   * Buying in provision from somebody like:
>     >>         >       o http://www.get-me-connected.com/
>     >>         >       o http://maxwifi.co.uk/
>     >>         I'll get in touch with them to see what options are
>     available.
>     >
>     > Apologies for the delay on this, I've reached out to both of these
>     > companies, and MaxWifi got back to me.
>     >
>     > I am expecting a budgetary estimate this week.
>     >
>     >
>     > Cheers
>     >
>     > Craig
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
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