[Numpy-discussion] fromfile and tofile access with a tempfile.TemporaryFile()

Christopher Barker Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
Tue Dec 12 15:25:29 EST 2006

did you try reading and writing to/from that temp file with regular old 
python functions?


Tim Hirzel wrote:
>> I'm running linux and the current svn version of numpy. Maybe the 
>> problem is with the tempfile module on windows. Do fromfile and tofile 
>> work for files opened normally?
>> Chuck
> fromfile and tofile work fine on regular files.  From skimming the code 
> a bit, it's hard to imagine numpy code is the culprit, since it must be 
> getting a NULL pointer back from PyFile_AsFile(file)...  Perhaps this is 
> a question for a python dev list?  My gut says it's probably something 
> in the windows tempfile module.  But perhaps in the PyFile_AsFile(file) 
> implementation.  Seems one of those isn't playing nice.  It's all quite 
> mysterious to me...
> tim
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Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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Chris.Barker at noaa.gov

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