[melbourne-pug] Putting Python on ones resume

Mike Dewhirst miked at dewhirst.com.au
Thu Jul 7 01:59:05 EDT 2016

On 7/07/2016 1:33 PM, David Crisp wrote:
> I have been catching up with a lot of my Python blogs at the moment, and
> as I read through one of them a thought came to me.
> How much Python do you need to know (or how confident do you need to be
> with Python) before you put it on your Resume.   And how do you go about
> explaining the level of skill you have with it.
> At what point can you say to yourself "Yeah, I can put Python on my
> resume.  Theres a lot of features in python I can't do or Understand but
> theres many other features I have used extensivly.

and I know where and how to look up stuff when necessary

I probably have
> enough that a Python employer would be interested to help me reach to
> the next level"

I'm a potential Python employer and I'm not interested in funding your 
growth as a developer. However, if you are sufficiently competent to do 
the job in the first place at the salary offered I am definitely 
interested in funding your ongoing professional development on a shared 
basis. IOW your time (mostly) and my resources such as courses, books, 
conferences etc. That is a win-win for us both.

In my opinion, if you know how to discover stuff you are sufficiently 
competent to hold down a junior position.

If you know where your weaknesses are you are sufficiently competent to 
hold down a mid-line job.

If know where your weaknesses are *and* you also have problem-domain 
experience *or* you are somewhat battle-hardened with a decent 
wisdom-quotient you are sufficiently competent to hold down a senior job.



> David
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