[melbourne-pug] Putting Python on ones resume

David Crisp dcrisp at netspace.net.au
Wed Jul 6 23:33:01 EDT 2016

I have been catching up with a lot of my Python blogs at the moment, and 
as I read through one of them a thought came to me.

How much Python do you need to know (or how confident do you need to be 
with Python) before you put it on your Resume.   And how do you go about 
explaining the level of skill you have with it.

At what point can you say to yourself "Yeah, I can put Python on my 
resume.  Theres a lot of features in python I can't do or Understand but 
theres many other features I have used extensivly.  I probably have enough 
that a Python employer would be interested to help me reach to the next 


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