[Mailman-Users] {Disarmed} Re: importing archived Maildir email lists into Mailman lists archives

Andrew Hodgson andrew at hodgsonfamily.org
Wed Sep 2 13:57:14 CEST 2015

[IDIS Technical Secretariat] Ricardo Rodríguez wrote:
>Before going ahead, there is one thing I'm curious about as I don't understand it. Please, why does the path to the mbox file include <listname>.mbox twice? Here...
>It reads...

Yup, the file needs to be called listname.mbox in the directory ~/archives/private/listname.mbox.  So for example, to copy the mailman-users archive into your home directory, assuming Mailman was installed in the default location, you would enter a command like:

 cp /usr/local/mailman/private/mailman-users.mbox/mailman-users.mbox ~

That would give you a file called mailman-users.mbox in your home directory with all the archives in mbox format.

If your list is new then after running cleanarch on that mbox file, I would copy it to ~archives/private/listname.mbox/listname.mbox, ensure perms are correct by running check_perms, then run arch with the wipe parameter to build all the HTML indexes for the web pages.

If you have a list already, I would stop Mailman, then cat the mbox file in place at the location ~archives/private/listname.mbox/listname.mbox to a copy of your converted archives.  I would then run cleanarch on the resulting file, then put that in place in ~archives/private/listname.mbox/listname.mbox before checking perms and running arch with the wipe parameter.

Hope this clears things up for you.

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