[Mailman-Users] Editable template files?

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Thu Feb 16 01:15:09 CET 2012

Jezz wrote:
>I'm using Mailman 2.1.14 which is hosted with cPanel. On this particular 
>setup, when I log into the GUI (as list owner) with the list's admin 
>password and go to "Edit the public HTML pages and text files", I only have 
>the following four template files listed there for me to edit:
>* General list information page
>* Subscribe results page
>* User specific options page
>* Welcome email text file
>However, in the past I've seen other implementations of Mailman hosted 
>elsewhere (not using cPanel), which have a number of other template files 
>available for editing in the same place - in particular the various email 
>templates used by the system can be edited there.
>What I'd love to figure out is how (if possible) to enable those extra files 
>so they can be visible and editable. Is there some master switch or setting 
>in one of the Mailman site files which controls this? Or a per-list setting?

The list is defined in the module Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py by the

    template_data = (
        ('listinfo.html',    _('General list information page')),
        ('subscribe.html',   _('Subscribe results page')),
        ('options.html',     _('User specific options page')),
        ('subscribeack.txt', _('Welcome email text file')),
        ('masthead.txt',     _('Digest masthead')),

You can add any list specific templates you want to this list
(actually, a Python tuple of tuples, not a Python list), just as

        ('masthead.txt',     _('Digest masthead')),

was added for Mailman 2.1.15. Note that you can actually add any
template to this list, but edited templates such as cronpass.txt which
are not used in a list context will not be used.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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