[Mailman-Users] Moving / upgrading Mailman from Solaris to Linux

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Thu Nov 11 08:19:29 CET 2010

Ivan Fetch wrote:
>We are planning to move our Mailman installation from Solaris to Linux, and upgrade in the process. I'd love to hear from anyone who has run production Mailman on Linux.
>What experiences have list members had with RedHat vs. Ubuntu Mailman packages, vs. compiling Mailman from source?

I run Mailman installed from source on CentOS 5 for my production
lists. The default Python on this server is the CentOS/RedHat
2.4.3-27.el5 (you need both python and python-devel to install Mailman
from source). I also have Python 2.6.5 on this server installed from
source. I have installed and run Mailman in production at various
times with both Python versions. Currently I'm running Mailman
installed with Python 2.6.5.

My lists are small to moderate size (<500 members) and low to moderate
traffic (zero to two or three dozen posts per list daily).

Everything works fine (I fix the Mailman bugs when I find them ;)

>At this point, even though I prefer to use packages when possible, I am leaning toward compiling Mailman from source because of:
>1. Red Hat packages are typically more ancient
>2. Ubuntu packages seem to include non-standard patches to Mailman (still sorting this out)

I've never used the Debian/Ubuntu package, but I've had issues with
some of their patches. I've fixed the significant problems addressed
by the Debian patches, at least those I understand, upstream in 2.1.13
and 2.1.14.

>Additionally, has anyone run into problems with Python packages provided by Red Hat and Ubuntu?

The RedHat Python 2.4.3 package works for me, but it is old. There are
python26 packages in the epel repository, but I haven't used them.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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