[Mailman-Users] word "bounces" in from address

Kenneth Porter shiva at sewingwitch.com
Tue Mar 18 21:07:02 CET 2008

--On Tuesday, March 18, 2008 11:40 AM -0700 Dragon 
<dragon at crimson-dragon.com> wrote:

> It's also limited to particular versions of Microsoft Outlook

The most recent version? If not, one can simply say "upgrade your client". 
Either by going to the expensive one or switching to a free one.

(I *am* sympathetic to Outlook users because I see the value in the 
combined Outlook/Exchange groupware app, but if you're going to pay big 
bucks for that facility, you have to accept the compromises it imposes (to 
pure email use) and lay the blame where it belongs.)

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