[Mailman-Users] went live - big mistake - please help

Brad Knowles brad at shub-internet.org
Tue Jul 22 19:05:03 CEST 2008

xp xp wrote:

> Could you please let me know how to access smtp-log?

You need privileged command-line access to the server where Mailman is
installed.  In other words, you need to be the site admin.  If you're not
the site admin, you need to talk to them and get them to help you.

> So the mailman will bounce if it can't send email to a valid email ID?


> how many attempts will it take before it quits?

Mailman will continue to try to deliver the message to your MTA for days, 
but how long and how often it will retry will be controlled by your 
configuration in the mm_cfg.py file and what gets pulled in or over-ridden 
from the Defaults.py file.  Again, if you're not the site admin, you're not 
going to be able to see any of these things.

Once the message is handed over to the MTA, then these things are controlled 
by your MTA configuration.  Again, if you're not the site admin, you're not 
going to have access to this kind of information.

>                                                 I saw the email in the
> archives, but I cannot see who got it. Is there a feature where mailman
> can show which users got an email?

The Mailman logs will show which users it has delivered to at the MTA level, 
and if there are any bounces that Mailman gets back from the MTA that will 
also show up in the Mailman logs.

But all of these are only accessible by the site admin.  If you're not the 
site admin, then you will need to get their help.

Brad Knowles <brad at shub-internet.org>
LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>

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