[Mailman-Users] went live - big mistake - please help

Barry Finkel b19141 at anl.gov
Tue Jul 22 16:29:16 CEST 2008

drb wrote:

>Hello Mark,
>Could you please let me know how to access smtp-log?
>So the mailman will bounce if it can't send email to a valid email ID?
>how many attempts will it take before it quits?  I saw the email in the
>archives, but I cannot see who got it. Is there a feature where mailman
>can show which users got an email?  please help.

On my Ubuntu 2.1.9 system Mailman puts its logs in


With respect to "can't send email to a valid email ID", it depends
upon the nature of the error.  If the e-mail address is valid, and
everything is correct, then the mail will be sent the first time, and
there will be no bounces.  If the e-mail address is incorrect, the
receiving mail system will bounce the mail, and Mailman will not
retry.  If the SMTP (RFC 2821) dialog with the remote mailer
results in a 400-level return code, then the mail will be retried.
If the SMTP dialog results in a 500-level return code, then a retry
will not occur.

I believe that Mailman relies on a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA),
for example, Postfix, to do its mail delivery,  It is the MTA that
handles the retry.
Barry S. Finkel
Computing and Information Systems Division
Argonne National Laboratory          Phone:    +1 (630) 252-7277
9700 South Cass Avenue               Facsimile:+1 (630) 252-4601
Building 222, Room D209              Internet: BSFinkel at anl.gov
Argonne, IL   60439-4828             IBMMAIL:  I1004994

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