[Mailman-Users] Mail from GioMBG > When I attempt to edit some userconfiguration I receive Internal Server Error (verystrangerous! only on same user!)

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Fri Jun 22 19:21:38 CEST 2007

Gio MBG Canepa root wrote:
>I have a strange error only when I attempt to modify some configurations on 
>some mailman users... I can explane better:
>If I go here:
>I can edit the user alkemy AT mbg.it
>but if I go here:
>NB] The alkexkenji user esist and is active like the first user alkemy!
>I have this error when I click on the link of the user and at the same the 
>user have the same kind of error when attemp to modify Yours mailman 
>configuration by self... 

There is some corrupt data or other problem associated with the
alexkenji--at--alexkenji.com user.

There will be detailed error information in Mailman's 'error' log for
these errors. This is the information we need to diagnose this problem.

If you don't have access to this log, you need to work with the people
who do.

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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