[Mailman-Users] Non-member posters - receive copy of their email as confirmation?

Brad Knowles brad at shub-internet.org
Fri Dec 7 22:21:21 CET 2007

On 12/7/07, Charles Marcus wrote:

>  This question has to do with the
>  Privacy Options > Sender Filters > accept_these_non-members
>  Is there a way to have Mailman send a copy (BCC would be preferred) of
>  there message back to them, for verification that their message was sent?

If they were members, they'd see copies of their own posts by 
default, unless they chose to select the option to avoid that.

As non-members, I don't know of any way for Mailman to notify them 
that their message was sent out.  At least, not without making 
changes to the source code.

>  If this can't currently be done - what are the chances of an option to
>  do so as an enhancement?

Mailman is an open-source project.  As such, the odds would be 
greatly improved if you were to have such a feature developed by 
someone and then posted as a patch to the appropriate place on the 
Mailman pages at SourceForge.

Otherwise, you could post an RFE (Request for Feature Enhancement) in 
a slightly different part of the Mailman pages at SourceForge, and 
hope that one of the all-volunteer core programmers might ultimately 
get around to dealing with this issue at some point in the 
not-to-distant future.

Brad Knowles <brad at shub-internet.org>
LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>

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