[Mailman-Users] Ok.. got everything working..

Richard Barrett r.barrett at openinfo.demon.co.uk
Sun Jan 12 14:12:35 CET 2003


At 23:01 11/01/2003, Glenn Sieb wrote:
>Just a minor question:
>On my listinfo page it says:
>Send questions or comments to 
><mailto:mailman at www.wingfoot.org>mailman at www.wingfoot.org.
>How do I change that? I can't find anything in Defaults.py (and list.org 
>seems to be down)... I don't remember if it was like this with the prior 
>install or not. I've searched the web, to no avail.. the only thing I 
>found was to put
>MAILMAN_OWNER = 'whatever'
>in mm_cfg.py .. however, even after a full stop & restart of Apache, this 
>hasn't worked.
>So just curious.. how do I change this is 2.1 final?

Depends on how you want to change it. Assuming you've checked out the final 
setup notes in INSTALL file, the notes in Defaults.py and made your changes 
in mm_cfg.py

You will probably want to use the $prefix/bin/fix_url.py bin/withlist 
script to get the changes in mm_cfg.py to propagate to an existing list.


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