[Mailman-Users] Bug in Mailman version 2.1

Mike Gideon mike at miis.edu
Fri Apr 18 19:26:41 CEST 2003

Hi Todd, 
Thanx! You are right.  I must apologize.  I read through the readme, and
gave the owner/ rights a once over.  They looked okay when I looked.  I
need to be a little more maticulate, and not assume it was set up right in
the first place.  Did you know that right off the top of your head?

Do you have any idea why I get this message when I try and start the
mailman service? 
[root at listserv mailman]# service mailman start
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/mailman/bin/mailmanctl", line 524, in ?
  File "/var/mailman/bin/mailmanctl", line 319, in main
  File "/var/mailman/bin/mailmanctl", line 274, in check_privs
    gid = grp.getgrnam(mm_cfg.MAILMAN_GROUP)[2]
KeyError: getgrnam(): name not found

I do have a mailman group and it is numberd 41.  I remember a few years
ago reading something about mailman being group 41 when i was playing with
an older version of mailman.


Todd <Freedom_Lover at pobox.com> writes:
>This is a FAQ.  See:
>    http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py?req=show&file=faq06.009.htp
>Your permissions on data/aliases are likely incorrect.

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