[Mailman-Users] HTML/Plain Text

Randall Hardy randall at amen.org.uk
Wed Oct 9 00:09:49 CEST 2002

Dear Python,

I manage a mailing list which uses Mailman 2.0.13. My ISP is zetnet.co.uk

If possible I would like set Mailman to forward mail as Plain Text only
whatever format they have been written in. However, I cannot see any way of
doing this in the regular postings section. (I can in the digest settings.)

Please can you tell me if there is any way as a list manager I can select this
an option.

I subscribe to a list on Yahoo!Groups which also uses Mailman and the
moderator on that seems to have been able to strip out HTML in postings. Is
theirs a different version?

The main reason for wanting to do this is to prevent the spread of viruses -
this has happened in the past.

If I can't set it is there some way I can ask the site administrator to do so?

I look forward to what I hope will be a helpful reply.

Yours - Randall Hardy
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