[Mailman-Users] your software

Norbert Bollow nb at cisto.com
Sat May 4 02:45:37 CEST 2002

Marc MERLIN <marc_news at vasoftware.com> wrote:

> Please don't start this  advocaty here because I will tell  you what I think
> of Stallman, his [INSULTS DELETED]


> The short version is: spare us the advocacy here, because I (and others) can
> give you  counterpoints for  each of  your points,  and it's  completely off
> topic for this list.

Actually, as a matter of fact, even though I agree with Richard
Stallman on most of his points about Free Software, most of the
time I'm not much of an advocate.

However, when someone (like smaynard at agric.uwa.edu.au did)
points out a perceived need for having Mailman available on
an OS which is "user friendly" to "morons", then I think that
it's quite appropriate to explain that we (the folks behind the
GNU project) are interested in making our system more
user-friendly from the perspective of all kinds of users, but in
general we're not very interested in porting GNU packages so
that they can be used on proprietary operating systems.

The whole point of the GNU project is to create an operating
system that is completely Free Software.  Therefore, it is only
proper to inform users of GNU software that this is our goal.

Greetings, Norbert.

A founder of the http://DotGNU.org project and Steering Committee member
Norbert Bollow, Weidlistr.18, CH-8624 Gruet   (near Zurich, Switzerland)
Tel +41 1 972 20 59         Fax +41 1 972 20 69        http://norbert.ch
List hosting with GNU Mailman on your own domain name   http://cisto.com

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