[Mailman-Users] Exim and mimefilter (on debian)

Fredrik Jonson pt97fjo at student.bth.se
Tue Jun 11 17:43:40 CEST 2002


I am trying to set up mailman on debian woody and am interested 
in using mimefilter to remove unwanted attachments. 

Now, I am a bit confused. The documentation of mimefilter almost
exclusively mentions smartlist, the Mailman FAQ[0] mentions
mimefilter but only that it can be used, not how. 

Also I'm trying to combine Mailman with exim. I have read about
how one can avoid aliases by using recipies in exim. But the 
documentation[1] seemes outdated, in debian Mailman home isn't
/home/mailman anymore. 

I believe that the solution is to replace the standard wrapper
with the mimefilter in some way. But I have just recently switched 
from redhat and the familiar sendmail to exim so I don't quite
feel comfortable with doing wild hacks with exim on my own yet.

So, has anyone on the list any experiense on a setup with exim
and mimefilter, or any other experience of the above to share with

[0] http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py?req=show&file=faq01.008.htp
[1] http://www.exim.org/howto/mailman.html 

Thank you in advance / fredrik 
Fredrik Jonson
pt97fjo at student.bth.se

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