[Mailman-Users] statistics

Rodolfo Pilas rodolfo at linux.org.uy
Mon Feb 18 18:28:13 CET 2002

I remember when I was a FidoNet node used a small software to produce
statistics of trafic of an echoarea (a mail list).  Said statistics had
i.e. the 10 best poster, the biggest thread, etc. I had a cron that
posted the statistics results into the proper list one time a month.

Can you tell me if exists something like this to use with mailman?


 Rodolfo Pilas                Quien los puso a estos tipos donde estan,
 rodolfo at linux.org.uy         Quien los deja seguir en su lugar,
 http://rodolfo.pilas.net     Quien los baja ahora de su altar,
 ICQ #17461636                Quien les paga para que hagan lo que haran
 http://xtralinux.org         -=# Apocalipsis Now % Cuarteto de Nos #=-

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