[Mailman-Users] remove_members by other users

Alain Chappuis alain.chappuis at medecine.unige.ch
Tue Oct 2 08:42:39 CEST 2001

Hello Jon
and thank you for your answer :-)

> The program is open-source, so yes, you can make it do whatever you like.

> There is a binary called "remove_members" in ~mailman/bin/...  it can
> remove anyone from any list.   Of course you need telnet or ssh access to
> the server to use it.  If you need to make this possible via the web, then
> you will need to do some writing (or selective deleting).

Yes I know, but if the distribution list is ownered by a little 
secretary of my office I doubt that she knows Un*x...

> You could always make available to the public the Admin "membership
> management" page.  Though I would disable the add function in this case
> (for the publicly available page).

Will this function be it in the new version of Mailman perhaps?

> Doing that would be fairly easy, I would estimate an experienced
> admin/hacker could do it in about 6 hours.

Yes well on perhaps for you! 
That under hears that we must know the language Python,
and it is not a small matter.

In all the case, if somebody has already a solution, he is
welcome in this forum. 

Have a nice day for all.
 | Alain Chappuis       | Responsable: E-mail; cmu.unige.ch        |
 | Analyste             | WEB    : www.medecine, ebn, jid, Sifm    |
 | Universite de Geneve | E-mail : Alain.Chappuis at unige.ch         |
 | Centre Medical Univ. | Phone  : +41 (22) [70]25.073             |
 | 1, Rue Michel-Servet | FAX    : +41 (22) 347.33.34 ou 702.58.58 |
 | CH-1211 Geneve 4     | http://ebn.unige.ch/www/alain.html       |       

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