[Mailman-Users] Mailman won't deliver?

Greg Ward gward at mems-exchange.org
Tue Oct 2 15:52:07 CEST 2001

On 02 October 2001, Nigel Kersten said:
> If I send a message to a list address, it appears in the archives, but
> never gets sent. In the Mailman logs I get:
> (in the smtp file)
> All recipients refused: (61, 'Connection refused')

Assuming Mailman is configured to connect to the SMTP server on the same
host (the most obvious and common configuration, I think), try this from
the Mailman host:
  $ telnet localhost 25

Then look at your firewall, your MTA configuration, TCP wrappers, etc.
This ia not a Mailman problem -- Mailman tells you what the problem is
in its log!

Greg Ward - software developer                gward at mems-exchange.org
MEMS Exchange                            http://www.mems-exchange.org

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