[Mailman-Users] remove_members by other users

JC Dill mailman at vo.cnchost.com
Thu Oct 4 18:40:22 CEST 2001

On 11:42 PM 10/1/01, Alain Chappuis wrote:

 >> There is a binary called "remove_members" in ~mailman/bin/...  it can
 >> remove anyone from any list.   Of course you need telnet or ssh access to
 >> the server to use it.  If you need to make this possible via the web, then
 >> you will need to do some writing (or selective deleting).
 >Yes I know, but if the distribution list is ownered by a little
 >secretary of my office I doubt that she knows Un*x...

Is there some special reason "anyone" needs to be able to remove users?  Is 
there some special reason "the little secretary" can't just use the admin 
web interface to remove users when needed?  It's pretty straight forward, 
anyone can use it with a few minute's training.


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